Friday, March 28, 2025

Children’s Enrichment Committee

All About the Children’s Enrichment Committee of Orange County

In 1911, noted philanthropist Ann Delano Hitch, aunt of future president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, donated $2,000 to the Newburgh (NY) Agency for Dependent Children. From this donation, the Children’s Enrichment Committee of Orange County was born. The Children’s Enrichment Committee is devoted to helping children, especially those in foster care, in Orange County, New York.

The CEC gives holiday presents to Orange County foster children, as well as helps pay for music and dance lessons, musical instrument rentals, summer camp, field trips, sports clubs fees, prom dresses, and class rings.

The CEC also sponsors the Emily Akers Scholarship Fund, which provides aid to Orange County students in colleges and technical schools of higher education.

There are no membership fees, and all are welcome to join us!

Image: Anna Delano Hitch, first woman member of The Lion’s Club, with her nephew Franklin Delano Roosevelt. “It is no wonder people in every walk of life in Newburgh loved her.”

Our Mission

“The CEC is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of foster children and young people in need by supporting educational, cultural, and social opportunities that contribute to their growth and brighten their lives.”

2025 Upcoming Meetings and Events

We sincerely welcome visitors and new members! Should anyone have questions about our organization, please feel free to contact us.

2025 Meeting Dates – All meetings are held on Mondays at the Thrall Library in Middletown at 2pm

  • January 27  Budget Meeting
  • March 10    
  • April 14
  • May 12
  • June: Luncheon – date and location TBA
  • September 8
  • October 14 (Note that this is a Tuesday due to the holiday on Monday)
  • November 10
  • December – Holiday Gift collection- date and location TBA

Thank you to all the workers and to those who stopped by to support the CEC holiday yard sale recently.  Remember that the proceeds of every sale, large or small, go to help the needs of foster children and children in need. 

Photo of CEC Volunteers

Read About our Recent Activity

  • Holiday Season Update!

    The 2024 scholarships have all been presented to deserving students and we wish them success in their future endeavours.  Applications for 2025 scholarships will be available this spring. Please contact CEC at for further information.

    We are thrilled to share the news that CEC provided holiday gifts for 122 children this year! Receiving information from DSS and NAFI, children received multiple gifts from their wish lists as well as handknit hats, scarves, mittens, and blankets plus handmade quilts. A sincere thanks goes to the Yarntastics, Slate Hill Quilters, and the Newburgh Methodist Church for their generous donations. In addition, hundreds of new toys and stuffed animals were donated for this holiday program to supplement the requested wishlist items that CEC purchased. 

    CEC held another successful gift wrapping fundraiser at the Galleria Mall in Middletown in December. Thank you to all who volunteered to help and to those who supported the event. 

    Our annual donation drive is now in full swing. CEC operates solely on the generosity of the community and appreciates every gift that is given. All funds are used to directly help our mission of aiding foster children and children in need. Please consider contributing by sending a donation to: Children’s Enrichment Committee C/O Dispute Resolution, 210 East Main St, Middletown, NY 10940

    CEC has begun a new program of providing toiletries to children in need.  The Yarntastics generously donated attractive handmade cloth bags for CEC to fill with many necessary products such as shampoo, toothbrushes and toothpaste, deodorant etc.  Perhaps a child is being transitioned to foster care, or is simply in need, these bags will be given for their personal use. 

    Donation of new toys and handknit items
    Donation of new toys and handknit items
    Delivery to NAFI

  • Thank you!

    CEC thanks the Slate Hill Quilting Group for donating these handmade quilts to CEC to give to foster children.

  • September 2024 News Update:

    CEC is pleased to report that we have served more children this past summer than ever and we thank our tireless volunteers and donors for making this possible. The autumn months will begin even a busier season! Mark your calendars noting that the monthly meetings of CEC will resume 2PM, September 9 at Thrall Library in Middletown and watch for our upcoming fundraisers and holiday gift program.

    In addition, CEC is excited to have started collaboration for requests with CASA and NAFI. Working with these agencies, along with continuing collaboration with DSS, expands our services to more children who are in need. We hope that our assistance will make their lives a bit brighter.

  • Fall 2024 Volunteer Spotlight

    As our year of volunteer spotlights draws to a close, we realize that the spotlight has not even begun to shine on everyone who has helped CEC. Our thanks go to every individual, organization and business who has given time, funds and outreach opportunities to help our organization continue its mission.

    As the writer of these spotlights, I believe that I have saved one of the most outstanding volunteers for last……perhaps I should call her the Volunteer of the Year. A big shout-out goes to Liz Hrabowsky, who, as president, has dedicated countless hours to promoting and serving CEC. She has initiated fundraisers and worked ceaselessly on fulfilling requests from DSS, NAFI and CASA in addition to managing meetings and the “business end” of CEC.

    Always with a smile, Liz has enthusiasm that is contagious and we applaud all she, and her board of directors, have been doing for the benefit of children.

  • Volunteer Spotlight – August 2024

    Need a helping hand? When CEC puts out a request for someone to help with a project, Eileen Hogan is one to quickly volunteer. She took on the responsibility of chairperson for our fundraiser at the Museum Village Playhouse this year, always contributes to the holiday gift program and don’t even talk about the work she puts in at the fundraising yard sales!! There, Eileen lugs, packs, sorts, organizes and sells all to the benefit of CEC’s treasury.

    With vibrant volunteers such as Eileen, CEC is able to successfully continue its mission to help children of Orange County.

Read more about our 2021 and beyond activity here on our blog

The CEC Wishes To Thank The Following Organizations For Their Support:

  • Boy Scouts Of America, NY Troop 62, Goshen NY
  • First Congregational Church, Middletown NY
  • First Federal Savings, Middletown NY
  • First Presbyterian Church, Goshen NY
  • J’s Place, Middletown NY
  • Kiwanis Club of Middletown NY
  • Kwik Stop Foods, Inc. Goshen, NY
  • Mid-City Transit of Middletown Muddy Waters Players NY
  • Orange & Rockland
  • Slate Hill (NY) Quilters
  • Stewart’s Shops
  • United Presbyterian Church, Middletown NY
  • Warwick Lions Club, Warwick NY
  • Yarntastics (Newburgh , NY)

The Children’s Enrichment Committee is a program of DRC (Dispute Resolution Center)

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